Ashif Alucin
Welcome to my blog
UAL Level 3 Creative Media
Audience Project filming:
On Sunday the 1st of October i went out to film due to getting a email from one of the members to confirm if i can come for that Sunday. That day i was free. When i reached the meeting spot to my surprise only one person from the group was there. After deciding to wait for another 30-45 mins we decided to try get some filming done on the day since we already had equipment booked.
Once we arrived at the location that we all previously agreed upon - Angus's house - we straight away was getting our equipment ready after brief introductions with me and Angus's family.
I brought up the concern of the camera may struggle in low light due to only having the kit lens, which had the aperture that could only go up to 5.6 when messing with the zoom. Therefore Angus purposed that we can try use his Dads Sony DSLR that did considerately better in low light and also gave off almost of a natural camcorder look from what i remember.
I thought to film on both with more light and try blend both the footage in with using and turning the Canons shots into something more cinematic and the Sony as something more authentic.
We started filming the pizza cooking in an actual outdoor pizza oven and got some close ups of the cheese melting, almost bubbling. I could zoom in a lot more with my Canon to get those advert looking shots. While we let the pizza set a bit we decided to quickly get some shots of the family being isolated. We got shots of Angus' sisters on their phones, Angus playing his console. After this we moved to get shots of the mother handling the pizza and cutting it while all the family came together to the table. I asked for permission to quickly get a shot of a family picture then carried on filming the family eating pizza.
After joining in to eat, someone from the family had the idea of also getting a shot of the dog eating pizza, which i thought was brilliant because of how it would attract our target audience and how it would give off a massive warm family vibe. We could use the dog like how people in retail stores started using baby pictures sticking it on their store windows to deter burglars. I believe this did surprisingly reduce the amount of burglaries these stores had.
The final shots that i wanted was a extreme close up of the mother saying "It's ready" and more clear shots of the family running together happily to the pizza like the pizza was a human magnet. However, it seemed like they were not comfortable about these shots and i did not want to push anything that they were uncomfortable with. After transferring the the footage to Angus' hard drive, Angus looked at his emails and realised a member of our group said it did not seem like everyone was abroad for Sunday, which made her not want to risk coming. Sadly i did not know that not everyone had confirmed and i had believed everyone had exchanged phone numbers on the day they decided for Sunday. I was not with my group at that day.
Today the 4th of October is the official editing day for this project. Unluckily there was problems with Angus' hard drive that made him not be able to find the footage filmed. My lecturer - Fliss - believes this is because of the footage being transferred to a Windows PC and the media room only having Macs. We tried to resolve this issue, but there was no success. The footage may be lost.
Flora Butter Advert:
Due to the footage being missing i decided to film some product later on today.
I will advertise some food product that i have available and edit it to 1 minute as an backup project. I do not want to screen nothing due to not having footage, so i thought: "better safe than sorry."
Pizza Advert:
Today at the 5th i found out that Angus had found his footage and transferred to his SD card. Therefore i will have two projects that i have created after i finish editing this footage.
I only received the footage that i have personally filmed and not the ones Angus filmed. I made what i could of the footage i had filmed.
Did not manage to film a lot of the things i wanted to, which shows assertiveness is still something i need to work on.
Ended up making a parody like video of advertisements, which i personally believe is a very effective way to advertise right now. Look at Tai Lopes Ad or even the Go Compare Ad and its effectiveness with using humour. Humour from Tai Lopes AD was unintentional, but it did happen.
I decided to show my Pizza Advert because this was the advert i intended to make at the start and i worked with other people with this advert. Therefore showing anything else i had made especially something i made as backup would be disrespectful.
After the screening, the comments i got was mainly positive. They did highlight that the music that i got of did not seem appropriate. I do agree that i should have found a more appropriate song, my intention was to find a mellow, detached song to create a disconnect of the family then make a slow transition to a more positive and maybe even an upbeat one like how one of my peers suggested. I added a green tint to the scenes were the family was isolated to give a more of a artificial emphasis of disconnect. If i had arrived at class on the correct time like everyone else i would have had 3 more hours of editing time. Therefore with the time i could have had available i could have found or even made a more suitable audio track for my Pizza Advert.
I am surprised that no one mentioned the use of cross dissolve with my editing because that transition is seen as pretty cheesy right now i believe. This i do agree with, however making my advert a little more cheesy i think may have been suitable of my target audience if i had not used the quick cuts i used at the start of the video. I believe that the dissolve could have been used to give more of a warm nostalgic feel if i used the transition in the correct way. If i'm to even consider quick cuts i should have picked an audio track with a much higher bpm.
As i expected the Flora Butter Advert had a more unique way of advertising its product compared to every other video screened including the one i choose to show. Although i am standing by with saying i do believe the humorous way i advertised Flora Butter, i do believe i could have made it more clear that the target audience is family. I did believe that we had a strict limit and could not exceed the time of 1 minute when making these adverts, but it was clearly just a guideline since a lot people went above this time or less. If i had known this was the case i could have gotten more creative with the way i advertised and made it clear my target audience was family.
One way i tried to show my target audience was family was using the word "family" and alluding to the fact that i have a family i have to provide for in a parodic way. I have seen this work for Tai Lopez video where he advertises a way to succeed. He repeats several words to make it clear who his target audience it and even filter out the "cynical" audience he did not want. This made it very clear who his target audience was - the type of people who wants to get rich quick and would blindly walk into a bear trap if there is a chance to get rich. I will link the youtube video below because the Tai Lopez Advert even gets studied in Harvard now. i do personally believe luck was a major factor on how his advert got viral because of people trying to debunk if he is a scum artist and how funny the advert became because of how it was popular, which made it become even more viral.