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My second year of this course, so far, have treated me well - both my technical skills and my creative have grew. I must add, naturally, myself as a whole have also developed as compromise towards my growth with filmmaking. However, during my second year I had many doubts with filmmaking, doubts that had been slowly waiting to sprout prior my second year. I will get to these doubts after I had wrote the good that came from this course.

Straight away I had noticed a difference from the first year. We were briefed that at November we will jump into 5 mini projects with groups. These 5 mini projects had tight deadlines and, most importantly it encouraged independency, which help challenge adaptability. Throughout the projects I tried to rectify the problems that I encountered to each previous project. I must admit that at times I avoided the chance of encountering problems by taking easier routes such as working with just one other individual. However, I am aware of root causes of what causes problems such as structure and proper organisation.

My doubts came when I produced and created my first film that involved others. I had little care for this film, and the individuals that I worked with were supportive. There were, at first, only two other people working with me. They were just the actors. I felt a lot of stress with producing this film, and with collaborating as a whole. I started to believe I was not suited for filmmaking, therefore decided to study psychology for university. I will still exercise my creativity, but it is unlikely that filmmaking will be what becomes my passion 

Project concept:

I want to create a homage to my growth of these past two years (in an unpretentious way) with my interest in film and film-making. Therefore, I want to apply elements or make direct references towards my previous projects. This does sound messy, but I will follow a clear narrative structure with the film. As a whole, I will keep the film lighthearted, except for one or two scenes. I'll classify the genre as a comedy-drama. Trainspotting is a near-perfect reference because I do want to integrate some dark comedy conventions. As cheesy as it sounds, I may use drugs as the main stimuli for my film. This is because it will be the easiest.

I have decided to work with a person I somewhat know; a person from my class. This will lower the chances of working with someone that is unreliable. He will be the main actor. There is an obvious disadvantage with this choice: bad acting. However, I trust myself to create a film that does not need sufficient acting. This might sound odd because good acting is important for most modern films, but I do not plan to make a modern film. I will prefer to keep a very small crew - one actor and one sound recordist. I will operate the camera.

This is a safe choice that I do not mind taking because It will allow me to prioritise what is important without getting overwhelmed. I will be able to focus on details that I may not find when in a larger group. I do believe it is better to first work with a smaller group and then transition into larger groups. The advantage of this already showed when I and my group agreed to a time slot easily, which will be during the Easter holidays.



I will start a weekly evaluation at the time I start my production, which I plan to be the 2nd of April. For this, I will create a separate page that will be under the "Unit 13" button. I will use a mixture of formats to reflect and evaluate my progress - written posts, potentially audio recordings and potentially video blogs. The majority will be probably written because it's more convenient. However, there are times were I believe an audio or video recording can communicate more than written work due to the more spontaneous nature of audio and video recordings.

I plan to write in all tenses because all of them are relevant in showing progress. I will also be able to reflect in a clearer sense due to having preparations blogged, and, obviously I would be showing preparations outside of the weekly evaluations. 

Project action plan and


Research sources
and Bibliography
(Harvard Format):

I will be looking at many resources for research. I will cite each of the sources and include bibliography in a separate page. If you click the button I had put above this writing you will be directed to the page where I cite sources and bibliography. I will also include sources of things I had no benefit with my research. 

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