Ashif Alucin
Welcome to my blog
UAL Level 3 Creative Media
Audience Research:
This Unit will be focused on Audiences. Today my lecturer did show a powerpoint showing as the general media related theories that media students learn about after introducing the effects debate:
As you can see here, several theories is shown here that I can apply to my research.
My lecturer wanted to mix groups up and give us all different target audiences. This is what she did. I was mixed into a group with a few people that i have never exchanged words with and got the target audience of families.
We came up of the idea of using comfort family sized food as the main focus because I wanted a warm friendly feel to the final product.
Everyone was fine with this and they was also agreed to using Pizza as the source of food that we want to promote.
I wanted to use the idea of food being the gravitational force that brings all the family together. I had the vision of a nuclear family. Everyone doing their own thing until the pizza's ready then everyone comes together smiling.
After purposing this idea other people from the group starting putting their own visions such as Angus wanted to see one of the kids playing games. I saw this as a good idea because if we have one shot of a child being alienated with artificial lighting, but when pizza comes they come together with the warm yellow lighting, it further emphasis that pizza brings them all together. After this Fredrica suggested that we also have someone using their phones. This is also a good idea because we can show a different age group for this shot and further emphasis the isolation until they all come together to eat. I personally want minimal dialogue, but it's not clear to me where the group stands with this just yet.
Disconnected family, each doing their own thing - attached to their tech - until the ultimate comfort food get cooked. Almost like a gravitational force, pizza pulls all the family together to a intimate meal being eaten by hand. All the family comes together including the dog.
Why Pizza?
We picked pizza because it was the first comfort food we thought off. This by itself showed me how mainstream and universal the pizza is. Even around this July i watched a film in the film festival that was Primarily focused on pizza. The movie used pizza as symbolism of the western culture and this clearly shows how much relevance pizza has even right now in 2017.
Surveys from last year showed :
90.34 % like pizza
5.66 % don't like pizza
4% are indifferent
I can imagine it would be hard to find someone that is not lactose intolerant and not like pizza, which is why i believe pizza is the best product to advertise that is food the whole family can eat. It is hands on food that you actually rip apart, which makes it a lot more intimate and a warmer experience.
Just thinking about a family eating pizza from any class or culture i can see the whole family together pulling slices of pizza and communicating. I don't see it as some fancy food you eat with knifes and forks and just focus on it. Usually with pizza its almost the norm to eat it while watching a movie or so with people in our culture.
This made my group wonder what pizza place to advertise and we all agreed that Pizza Hut seems like the best restaurant for this.
Primarily because of Pizza Hut being known on how having salad bars and of it almost advertising itself as a place you with friends and family.
You can see this with the advert i link below where friends actually restrict themselves from talking to the American sex icon - Pamela Anserson - for pizza interacting and laughing while eating it.
Right at the end of the advert you also see the slogan: "Good friends. Great pizza". Again this shows how Pizza Hut wants to label themselves as the place you go with a group of people to have a warm interactive experience.
(Secondary research:)
Primary research:
Interview 1
Interview 2
Interview 3
Made by Carlos Da Costa
(group member)
Survey Results:
Script (Planning):
Made by Carlos Da Costa
(group member)
Carlos was adamant on doing the script because he does have a general interest with script writing and as you can see her this is what he did.
Secondary research:
(White background work from Fredrica, Orange background work from Carlos)
Since i am working with a group we've decided to share what ever information we find and the pre-production we fill out:
Risk Assessment:
Mood Board:
Transport: £4
Transport is the only service I spent money of for this project. £4 was spent to travel from Wandsworth common to Clapham Junction then I took another train to Streatham common and had a little walk to get to the filming location: Angus' house.
Location Report:
Angus' house was the decided filming spot due to the easy access and his house having a natural warm atmosphere because of the way the house is set up with furniture, lights and so on. The place is convenient for us to film because Angus' family lives there. There its very easy to get permission to film at that location as well as filming the family.